There comes a time when what seemed so important is not as important now in this time of my life.
I was reflecting back in time when Carl and I were rushing to get to his new job and having to do this or that before we could leave. Our lives were centered on his job and new place to live and as I compare this to my life now my life is at a standstill. I am thinking how grateful I am that my life did slow down.
One day Carl wanted to go to Law School and after seeing the schedule my DIL keeps I am so glad he did not. She came in so exhausted last evening and told me she was headed to bed. Her dog Chili was so glad to see her that I am sure she had to give him some attention. Some times animals are more demanding than children.
Carl planned a trip for us to go to Orlando, Florida to see the Holy Land Experience that is a replica of the buildings in Jerusalem that were up in the time of Christ.
This is a theme park you walk around and go in different buildings and see The Holy of Holies. The Tabernacle and the Temple. This followed the Bible and was done by the Zions Hope Ministry that we had contributed to many times. We were there in the first week of the opening of the park.
As I was watching one of our news channel I saw that a storm with high wind velocity ripped thru that part of Florida. I tried to see on the TV just what was the extent of the damage but could not tell. If you are planning any vacation believe me Orlando is worth going to see. It seems our weather can not be predictable so take all kinds of clothing.
After we spent a few days in Orlando we tried to go to the East Coast to see if we could find a cousin I had on my fathers’ side of my family. Her husband was a Commander in the U.S. Navy. We never did connect with them so we went on just site seeing Florida. We also had another ministry we supported called Pioneers which supported Christians in foreign countries. We got a tour of their facilities and could have a position of being a working volunteer on the premises. But we had decided long ago that Florida for us is not a choice place to live. I am so sorry we did not get there with our children.
My older sister complained about she never got to travel and see things I was privileged to see. But I told her staying in one place she has a house paid for and that is a plus in life. I couldn’t help it if she married a man who never cared to see or do anything different. I mentioned before that we lived in seventeen different homes
that we never really owned. The bank did and we always had to sell them to get our down payment out for the next place.
There was not any place we lived that we did not like. I will say this Carl liked the coastal waters the best. There came a time in our life when our country faced shortages of many different kinds. Carl then became interested in survival . He had and read all kinds of books on food storage and shelf life. You do know that the food for storage is a nitrogen packed. Howard Ruff wrote many of the leading books.
We purchased special packed food by the case and had one room just for this. We had milk, flour, oats, wheat and different kinds of beans. We purchased a special grinder that worked both on electricity and a handle to fit if electricity was out. We had purchased enough food to family and others. Their storage life was twenty five years plus.
After carting this food around many years it seemed as though the crisis pasted. When we were in charge of the food pantry in Indiana we started to open the boxes of oatmeal and milk to pass on to large families in need of food. They had to be large families because these were packed in large number 10 cans. It made us pleased to contribute the food to those in need.
I sort of see a trend today that is creeping in that we import so much from other countries that very little is made in the good ole U.S.A. I for one look to see where the item is made and if it isn’t from our country I do without. Our country is facing a crisis that people want the government to support them and they not work to help themselves. Boy I am glad my dad who came from Greece to the free world isn’t alive to see all the free loaders.
Immigration has no rules they want in and want to bring in their own language and not learn a thing about the U.S.A.
Until next time, I am, Immigrant Daughter.
Again, thank you so much for your stories of 'way back when'. When Carl was preparing for 'survival', was that during the early 1960's? I remember some people were building bomb shelters. I makes me angry also about how immigrants are getting health care, etc for free. I would not get it for free!